Seniors Movies are happening every second Thursday throughout the winter starting October 24th 2019. Check our Facebook page for the movie of the week ( ). Movies start at 1:30pm. Cost is $2, snacks are provided.
WC Seniors Hub - 2018 Seniors Forum (Oct 1, 2018) Summary Report
The WC Seniors Hub – Fall Forum took place on Oct 1st, at the Ucluelet Community Centre from 11am til 3pm. This was where west coast seniors and their supporters came together to celebrate ‘International Day of the Older Person’. The WC Seniors Hub planning team consulted with the Seniors Advisory Group and engaged seniors to participate in the planning and promoting activities as well as attending the registration tables. Lunch was catered by the Ucluelet Co-op. Myles Morrison played his guitar during breaks and lunch period and certified instructor, Maureen Thierrien-McKinnon, hosted a free Chair Yoga session at the end of the event. District of Tofino, Parks & Rec, provided free transportation to/from the event for Tofino and area seniors with Kaela Tompkins attending as driver.
Forum Attendance (total 78)
• Participants – 59
• Exhibitors – 10
• Volunteers – 9
To review event details, jphotos, survey summary, questions, and recommendations
2018 Seniors Forum - Final Report - Oct.
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Forest Glen Monthly Event Seniors Social
& Luncheon
RSVP is appreciated
for dates & times contact
Forest Glen Administrator - Sea View Seniors Housing Society
email: - Office ph # 250-726-2789 - Cell ph # 250-266-0207